Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Winter break blues

Most kids look forward to holiday breaks from school, but my autistic teen son views them as torture. It's only day 3 of his 2-week winter break, and he's aggravated. He is very dependent on routine and this year, he seems to LOVE school, so he misses it. It may have something to do with a couple girl names he's been mumbling to himself, mmHmmmm. On no-school days, one thing must not falter. His eating schedule. Breakfast at 9 a.m., lunch at 1 p.m., and dinner at 6 p.m. All else, well, that's the challenge.

He's a tough one to entertain because he doesn't like the outdoors (scared of bugs, birds, loud noises). He cannot handle crowds and too much chatter around him. He is a super good reader yet hates to read books or write. He gets fed up of his video games (refuses to evolve from a Playstation 2). His favorite things are food, water (as in bath, sink, ocean, etc.), mom, music, inside jokes, and random fits of laughter.

And seeing as how mom is on a tight budget at the present time, there isn't much we can do that won't be costly.

He just got annoyed because I was sneezing (hates sneezing, coughing, hiccup, and sniffling noises). So his stepdad called him downstairs to give me a break. They're watching Elf (one of his favorite movies).

Whew! When my sneezes make him keel over and groan, that's when I know we need time apart, lol (he's very attached to me).

So here are my ideas for keeping him entertained during this 2-week break (that's going to feel like 2 years).

- Some computer time
- Some video game time
- One short outing per day (an ice cream run, quick stop at a store, visit grandparents, go for a drive playing his favorite music in the car, a spin through the touch-free carwash, food outings)
- Canvas painting (he's good at art)
- Baking brownies/cookies

And that's all I've got for now. Bright ideas are welcome!